Updated July 18, 2006
The first U.S.A. ABE Tour 2006 stop was at Fin-Alley Gifts on Saturday, July 15, 2006! Available to attendees of the Event were two special ABE pieces, a unique blue version of The Three Sprites and Bo, a Tour exclusive.
ABE also provided rare pieces for a Charity raffle and auction.
The ebony Kiss n' Tail was auctioned off at the Event. The other prizes, including an Artist Copy of The Three Sprites with yellow eyes, were raffled off.
The winners of the Charity raffle prizes were:
Bling Free Ride - Rhonda Timberlake
A/C Blue Sprites - Johnia Browning
Mouse Netsuke Necklace - Karen Bartels
Ebony Mouse Palm Charm w/Bling eyes - Judy White
Red Cat Mask w/Bling Eyes - Janet Torkelson
Ebony Cat Mask w/Bling Eyes - Pete Kingston
The winner of the ebony Kiss n' Tail auction was Lynda Adams with the winning bid of $1050. All of the proceeds for this auction were donated to Oak & Furrows, a U.K. animal rescue centre.
For photos of the Event, click here.

Images Courtesy of Adam Binder Editions
Fin-Alley Gifts