A Charity Raffle to Benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!
April 15, 2015
Adam Binder Editions donated a Color Sample of a Hedgehog to the ABC! Thank you, ABE!
In addition to being a color sample, the piece appears to be a slight mold variation from the standard Roll With It as the hair marks are missing on the forehead and cheeks of this hedgehog.
All proceeds from this raffle will go to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! But you must be a member of the ABC to participate! (Click on the "Join ABC" link above to see how to join our Club!)
Tickets cost $5.00 each, or 5 tickets for $20. Please write your check out directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and mail your check to our Club treasurer, Mary Kay at:
Mary Kay DeMayo
The Adam Binder Club
P.O. Box 2931
Dearborn, MI 48123-2931
We will then email your raffle ticket number(s) to you. Raffle tickets will be available from April 15, 2015 until midnight May 31, 2015. At that time ABE will draw a winner, and the checks will be mailed on behalf of the ABC to St. Jude.
You can read more about this great charity at: http://www.stjude.org/waystohelp
For additional photos of this piece, click on Hedgehog Color Sample.
Good luck!

Image Courtesy of Dolores Kingston