A Charity Raffle to Benefit the Greyhound Pets of America Senior Sanctuary!
June 8, 2012
Under the Cherry Blossoms (formerly My Doll Shop) has donated a red bling Tree Dog Artist Copy to the ABC!
So it is time for another raffle! Since this special prize was donated by one of our Club sponsors, it seems fitting to donate all proceeds to the Charity that they support. To find out more about this organization, here is a link to the Greyhound Pets of America Senior Sanctuary: http://www.gpaseniorsanctuary.org/
To enter the raffle you must be a member of the ABC in good standing! (Click on the "Join ABC" link above to see how to join our Club!)
Tickets cost $5.00 each, or 5 tickets for $20. Please write your check out directly to the Greyhound Pets of America Senior Sanctuary and mail your check to our Club treasurer, Mary Kay at:
Mary Kay DeMayo
The Adam Binder Club
P.O. Box 2931
Dearborn, MI 48123-2931
We will then email your raffle ticket number(s) to you. Raffle tickets will be available from June 8, 2012 until August 1, 2012. At that time we will draw a winner, and the checks will be mailed on behalf of the ABC to the Greyhound Pets of America Senior Sanctuary. Help support this worthy Charity!
Good luck!

Images Courtesy of Dolores Kingston