"My name is Paula Ashley. I have been 'collecting' crushed marble and resin pieces since 1997. During the time that I was a single parent.... I helped my children collect... They are grown now and my grandson Aaron, 13, has attended some events with me to help my friends who have not been able to attend. He has a collection too! In fact, all of my family.... sister, sister-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, grandson, mother, mother's friends, husband's friends have met Noel (green boxes) at various events during the past 5 years.
Oh my gosh!... Adam Binder! I saw it in April last year and actually advised several of my friends to join the club.. quickly. While I was busy being a friend, I missed out on 'Kiss N' Tail' and 'Bear Hug'... Almost missed 'Tree Top Tag.'
I have been in the banking industry for many, many, many years.... Behind the scenes in Item Processing. Two years ago I started working at a collectable store (Accents & Gifts) part-time. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many wonderful collectors. And... I have made many wonderful friends.
I am the secretary of our local independent Harmony Kingdom club, Lone Star Harmony. We have lots of fun meeting at our sponsor stores. An hour and half drive for a Saturday afternoon meeting at one of them is not unusual.
I attended Rosemont for the 1st time this past year. Met so many fellow collectors that I still cannot put names to faces...
Since my children have moved on... daughter, Teri, is in Phoenix (where Susan S. was implemetal in my collecting habit) and son, Jason, is in the Navy, stationed at Ingeside, TX... my chief responsibilities and joy are my two pups.... I am owned by a Jack Russell, Jerry. (I LOVE 'Nimrod and Orbit'... have 3 or 4 of them) Jerry and I co-own Merced, a deaf Dogo Argentino who doesn't mind being owned... And my husband tolerates all of us!
I cannot believe the wonderful work of Adam! He just keeps outdoing himself! WTG!"
Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws
Amend 6.3.2. to read: To provide for the continuity of leadership, the terms of office will be staggered, with President, Vice President of Virtual Activities, and Treasurer to be elected in even numbered years, and Vice President, Secretary/Membership Chair and Charity Coordinator to be elected in odd numbered years.
DELETE: 7.2.4. The ABC website itself is not a property of the Adam Binder Club, but rather an entity voluntarily participating in the Club. All permissions obtained from third parties for publishing their information are valid as long as this participation continues.